The Nutrition Facts and Benefits of Honey

honey spoon
Pure Honey Spoon

In addition to being an astonishing natural sweetener, honey spoon has benefits that have gone largely known. For this reason, we decide to write about benefits of honey. For example, honey is a wholesome sore-throat soother, many important antioxidants, a natural energy booster, a wound healer,  a skin moisturizer,  and more. Since ancient times, honey has been used as a medicine.

Nutrition Facts of Honey Spoon

Researches have shown that honey contains a wide array of minerals, vitamins, amino acids even more. Generally we all know that there are a lot of benefits of honey.

First of all, the bees collect sugar which is rich nectar of flowers from their environment. Then, the bees turn nectar to honey for certain period of time. Finally, honey is a liquid that serves as stored food for bees. Consequently, the smell, color, type and taste depend on the types of environment  and flowers visited.

Nutritionally, 1 honey spoon  (7 grams) contains 21 calories and 5,7 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose Maltose.

It contains virtually no fiber, fat (1). And also, it contains trace amounts of protein.

Besides honey contains virtually no fiber, fat (1). And also, it contains trace amounts of protein.

Honey Spoon Nutrition Facts

Most importantly, high-quality pure honey contains many important antioxidants. Therefore, it have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. Antioxidants include organic acids and phenolic. Hence, these compounds gives honey its antioxidant power (2).

Honey Spoon Calories

Honey spoon calorie is almost not so much and also it is much more healthier than sugar. So it is a very good alternative to sugar. Furthermore, a honey spoon  (7 grams) contains 21 calories,  carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamin and minerals seen below.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size Honey Spoon 1 (7 g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories : 21 kcal
Protein : 21 mg
Carbohydrates : 5.7 g
Phosphorus : 0.35 mg
Calcium : 0.35 mg
Sodium : 0.21 mg
Total Fat : 0 g

Pure, raw honey is a natural source of carbohydrates, providing 5,7 grams per honey spoon. Therefore, it makes it ideal for your brain and working muscles. Since carbohydrates are the primary fuel the body uses. It is necessary to consume honey spoon before study or training. Especially, some training and studies require high performance, attention and concentration. Honey spoon is an amazing solution for these.